Main Office (925) 472-6633
South Bay Office (408) 850-7120
Sacramento Office (916) 563-7100

Recent Successes*




And a never-wavering determination to do right in support of his clients.

Attorney Jim Yu can be counted on to bring all of these important qualities to every case he handles.

Clients and colleagues recognize Jim as a “go-to” person for his knowledge, integrity and ethics. He is known for being patient, thorough and positive.

Jim learned at an early age about the importance of strong standards and ethics. An immigrant himself, he learned about the many opportunities afforded those who live and work in the United States. He also saw first-hand the injustices that often prevent others from living full lives. 

Jim was inspired by his family to work hard and prepare to be the strong and effective advocate he is today. 

A 1995 graduate from the University of California at Berkeley with High Honors, he worked two jobs to support himself. He earned his law degree in 1999 from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., where he specialized in personal injury law.

While many of Jim’s fellow students became corporate attorneys in New York and D.C., Jim returned to the Bay Area after graduation to begin his career as a personal injury attorney.  He has helped people from all walks of life obtain the compensation and medical care that they deserve and need. Through negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, and jury trials, he has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of his clients.

In the spring of 2013, after a decade with a highly-regarded Bay Area personal injury firm, Jim opened up his own law practice in Walnut Creek. In 2015, he opened a satellite office in Santa Clara to better serve South Bay clients. In 2023, he opened an office in Sacramento. He continues his commitment to serve injury victims and the community at large.

Jim is honored and humbled to have been recognized for his professionalism and accomplishments with a number of awards and ratings: 

  • In 2014, he was president of the Alameda-Contra Costa Trial Lawyers Association. 
  • In 2023 and 2024, he was named one of the top 100 attorneys in all of Northern California by Super Lawyers magazine.
  • From 2016 through 2025, he was selected as a Northern California Super Lawyer (given to the top 5 percent of lawyers) in the category of personal injury law. 
  • In 2015, he received the Unity Award from the Minority Bar Coaltion for helping to make the bar more diverse and inclusive.
  • He holds a 10.0 Superb rating on, the ratings and review site for lawyers. 

Jim speaks Mandarin Chinese and some Spanish.

Jim Yu will help you hold the wrongdoer responsible and get you the compensation you need and deserve.



Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 100 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Inducted into Million Dollar Advocates Forum

Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Super Lawyer, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Unity Award from Minority Bar Coalition

10.0 Superb rating,


President, Alameda-Contra Costa Trial Lawyers Association

Top 40 Under 40 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Rising Star, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 40 Under 40 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Top 40 Under 40 (Northern California), National Trial Lawyers

Rising Star, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Rising Star, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Rising Star, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,


Rising Star, Northern California Super Lawyers

10.0 Superb rating,

2002 Delta Beta Xi Distinguished Service Award, Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity
1999 Highest grade in Admiralty Law class at Georgetown Law

Graduated with High Distinction in General Scholarship from UC Berkeley.

Graduated with High Honors from Latin American Studies program at UC Berkeley.

Commendation for catching criminal, University of California Police Department

1994 Commendation for community service, University of California Police Department
1993 Commendation for work ethic, University of California Police Department


2001 to present Consumer Attorneys of California
2001 to present Alameda-Contra Costa Trial Lawyers Association, President (2014)
2005 to present Asian-American Bar Association, Sustaining Member
2014 to present Minority Bar Exchange
2017 to present Chinese American Lawyers of the Bay Area, Life Member

Bar Admissions

2009 to present United States Supreme Court
2001 to present United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
2000 to present United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
2000 to present United States District Court for the Northern District of California
2000 to present State Bar of California


Law Degree Georgetown University
Bachelor's Degree U.C. Berkeley

Personal Interests

Outside of work, I am passionate about oddball cars and unorthodox travel.

I especially love 1970s and 1980s French and Japanese cars. I am an avid Formula One car racing fan, having attended races in three countries.

I have traveled 15,000 miles on the Pan-American Highway solely by bus, from the Arctic Ocean down to the tip of South America. My last adventures were in French Guiana and the Bering Strait. My next adventure will be in Micronesia.


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