Main Office (925) 472-6633
South Bay Office (408) 850-7120
Sacramento Office (916) 563-7100

Recent Successes*

Our Testimonials

We found Jim to be caring, compassionate, and kind. He was trustworthy and thoroughly helped us through the legal process. He was very patient with us and very aggressive for us. He was considerate, well-mannered, and thorough.


Thank you for handling my case. It was a good experience doing business with you and I very much appreciate it. I pray to God that I will never need you again for the rest of my life for myself and my family. But I would love to recommend you to anybody else I know when an accident happens and a lawyer is needed.


I admire your professionalism, quick responses, and fantastic communication skills. I will recommend you. Thank you very much for everything that you have done for me. 


I would recommend Jim as the “go-to” person for anyone who has personal injury or professional malpractice issues. Anyone who has felt uncomfortable talking with attorneys can know that Jim is friendly and approachable. As a fellow attorney, I always find Jim’s thoughts and analyses on complex legal problems to be highly insightful.


Thank you so much for fighting for me, Jim.... I appreciate it and all your honesty along the way.


Thank you for all your patience, compassion, tenacity and skill throughout this journey. [My child] was very fortunate to have you.

Client's Parent

I want to thank you for being by my side during my ordeal with the motorcycle accident. I appreciate you believing in me and going the extra mile and not giving up on me. If there is anything I can ever do for you in any way, please let me know.


We know who you are, and we know you are good.

Major Bodily Injury Claims Adjuster at Large Insurance Company

Wow, Jim! Thank you! We are very excited and happy with the outcome. Thank you very much for your work. I am still kind of in shock, and don't know what to say, but thank you!


You persevered with me, and you kept me updated each step of the way. I felt completely safe in your capable hands and consequently, never sweated the details.

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